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Photo: Susan Clyneheadline news
Welcome to the Univers Zéro Tribute website!

Here you can find information regarding UZ's history, discography, photo gallery with never published photos, a download session where you can see some small extracts of shows, a mailing list you can subscribe to receive news We hope you enjoy.

Created and maintained by Michael Bohn & Renato de Moraes March 1. 2016

01.03.16 - These pages was substituted by the official Univers Zero website with this: in january 2016.

This situation has changed again, look further down the page - 03.06.2019 - Univers Zero doesn't have an official website for the time being.

We got some requests to upload the old site again, so here you are, it will be maintained as needed.


Crawling Wind will be re-released as EP october 2024. It will keep the original format, with the three tracks only and a new cover designed by Thierry Moreau.
Crawling Wind 2024

03.08.24 Review of LUEUR by Aymeric Leroy

« Lueur » (2023)
Bel – Sub Rosa – 47:48
Sans nouvelles, discographiquement et scéniquement parlant, d’Univers Zéro depuis 2015, nous n’avions pas été surpris d’apprendre, il y a quelques mois, que Daniel Denis préparait un troisième album solo, actant ainsi la probable disparition de la formation. Mais à la toute dernière minute, ce nouvel opus s’est finalement vu accoler l’étiquette UZ, pour des raisons que l’on imagine en partie pragmatiques mais qui n’ont en vérité rien de scandaleux.

D’une part, si Denis assure seul une bonne partie de l’instrumentation, il est assisté çà et là de deux membres de la dernière formation d’UZ, ainsi que de son propre fils Nicolas, que l’on avait connu batteur sur un morceau de Clivages (2010) puis un de Phosphorescent Dreams (2014), mais que l’on découvre ici bassiste et, plus surprenant, chanteur.
D’autre part, avant les deux albums mentionnés à l’instant, réalisés durant la décennie de réactivation d’UZ en tant que groupe de scène, il y en avait eu plusieurs qui, malgré la présence plus constante d’autres musiciens, au premier rang desquels Michel Berckmans, étaient l’émanation d’un collectif à géométrie variable, avec une instrumentation élargie, pratique dont Rhythmix (2002) avait marqué l’apogée, au point que l’on aurait pu estimer a posteriori que Sirius And The Ghosts (1991) et Les Eaux Troubles (1993) auraient pu, à ce compte-là, sortir eux aussi sous le nom d’Univers Zéro et non celui de Denis.
Sans doute en raison de sa vocation initiale à demeurer un projet solo, Lueur ne s’efforce pas particulièrement de maintenir une continuité de forme ou de style avec Phosphorescent Dreams, et la présence d’autres musiciens est parfois homéopathique, et leurs prestations relativement timorées, si l’on excepte le trop court « Coda » final, avec un Nicolas Dechêne en roue libre à la guitare, mais coupé net dans son élan. Kurt Budé, seul rescapé de la reformation de 2004, est fidèle à son poste de clarinettiste, mais on peut escompter qu’il sera davantage mis en avant dans l’album testament de Présent, This Is Not The End, dont la sortie maintes fois reportée est programmée pour la fin mars. Le renfort de Nicolas Denis est finalement le plus décisif, et certainement le plus porteur de nouveauté avec ces deux courtes interventions chantées au parfum pour le moins inédit dans un groupe réputé totalement instrumental (hormis quelques chœurs lugubres et sans paroles). Assortie d’effets, sa voix est surtout un élément texturel qui participe de l’atmosphère irréelle de ce « Sfumato (Part 1) », par ailleurs pièce de résistance de l’album avec ses quatre parties totalisant près de dix minutes.
Vu le caractère épisodique de ces renforts, on ne sera pas étonné de découvrir une musique se situant globalement dans le prolongement d’Implosion (2004), avec pour principaux points communs la prise en charge de toutes les parties de claviers par Denis lui-même (piano, orgue, harmonium, accordéon, Mellotron sur « La Tête à l’Envers » et même ce qui ressemble à un basson dans « Wavering »), la présence (sans doute influencée par ses séjours dans Art Zoyd) d’interludes à l’atmosphère post-industrielle oppressante et parfois vaguement déplaisante (« Axe 117 »), et le travail de prise de son réellement exceptionnel de Didier de Roos, dont la batterie est la première bénéficiaire. Il faut dire que la prestation de Daniel Denis à son instrument de prédilection est toujours aussi magistrale, originale et imaginative, et cette mise en son idéale réussit à la magnifier, du plus petit frémissement de cymbale aux démonstrations de puissance impressionnantes auxquelles Denis nous a habitués (« Rolling Eyes »), en passant par des détours par les seules percussions (« Dartafalk »), parfois exotiques (le bien nommé « Mister Chung » et son univers sonore asiatique).
Certaines des pièces courtes sus-citées, vestiges d’un projet solo ouvert logiquement à toutes les expérimentations, pourront faire douter par moments de la pertinence, sinon la légitimité, de Lueur à sortir sous le nom d’Univers Zéro, quand d’autres (« Cloportes ») se rapprochent à l’inverse de l’identité sonore associée communément à ce nom. Entre les deux, et à l’instar de la technique picturale qui a inspiré leur titre, les deux parties de « Sfumato » montrent que la distinction entre le travail de Daniel Denis en solo et avec son groupe peut devenir très floue, défrichant un terrain d’investigation riche de potentialités, avec la promesse exaltante d’un Univers Zéro à la fois fidèle à son identité historique et néanmoins capable d’innover.
Espérons donc qu’à défaut de revoir un jour le groupe fouler à nouveau les scènes, ce que certaines réalités économiques implacables rendent hautement improbable, nous aurons droit à d’autres albums creusant ce sillon prometteur, et prolongeant l’existence précieuse et irremplaçable d’une institution musicale qui fête en cette année 2024 son demi-siècle d’activité.

Aymeric Leroy

17.04.24 Daniel Denis and Thierry Zaboitzeff. From TB's recent visit to Brussels.


• 23.03.24
Recent Daniel Denis interview by this website (English and french version) here


• 06.03.24

Review of Lueur in Audion Magazine March 2024 - Read here

• 13.02.24
Review in French:
Ombres et lumières, démons et merveilles : Lueur, le nouvel opus d’UNIVERS ZÉRO (Link opens in a new window)

Review from The Wire (March 2024):
The Belgian Rock in Opposition Lifers return with the first album in a decade
(as a pdf - opens in a new window).

• 23.10.23

• Lueur
by Univers Zero is just out as CD and LP
available here for orders

Lueur 2023

• 13.02.23

Interview 06.02.23 in French UNIVERS ZÉRO 1313 – Résurgence d’un big-bang

Machine translated into English (so beware)

Daniel 2023

• 04.02.23

• New CD /Lp will be released by SUB ROSA this year.

Daniel Denis/Univers Zéro: No title of the album yet.
11 tracks. Nicolas Dechêne plays on a few tracks as well as Daniels son Nico (vocals, bass guitar and percussion). Kurt Budé plays on two tracks.

The recordings are almost finished. Recorded at Didier De Roos studio, expected to be released March 2023.

1313 - re-release.
A vinyl limited to 74 copies is now available as collector's version, signed and numbered with a cover for the occasion. This is 1313, a French Atem pressing from 1982.
The 74 copies of 1313 will be sold for 40 euros + the cost of sending.

Order the album via: facebook: CANTAL SCHMITZ




• 18.05.20 - Daniel Denis have started to compose again.

On youtube 4 drumvideos have recently been posted. here is one:

Here are the other 3:

• 05.11.19 -
"Phosphorescent Dreams" will be released on "Sub Rosa label" around October 24th 2019.
It comes out on CD (like the Japanese version) and on vinyl (with two less songs).

Sub-Rosa is also planning a 3 CD set with the 3 1st records, including the remaster version of Ceux du Dehors.

• Downloads of the 3 first albums:

• 03.06.2019 - Attention:
The former official website is now a spoof, and has nothing to do with the band Univers Zero, although it claims and pretends to be. Daniel Denis has nothing to do with its containts.
Whatever this website offers you or inform you about albums, boots, and concert dates, etc. it is rubbish & fake.

• 11.07.2018
Re-releases in VINYL - Label: Sub-Rosa

Univers Zero - Univers Zero
release year: 2016
2LP gatefold black vinyl
Buy here


Univers Zero - Hérésie
release year: 2017
Limited gold/orange vinyl + insert
Buy here

Univers Zero - Relaps / Archives 1984-86
Buy here

release year: 2014
marbled clear/blue/black vinyl 2LP first edition: sold out
second edition as marbled vinyl: available

Ceux du Dehors will be out in 2018 by Sub-Rosa Label as well

The tracks Dense, La Corne, Combat, Erich Zann are remixed versions.


Photos from the concert at the Zappanale 2015 - (

Christian Genet has kindly provided some photos from the recording session of 1313 in 1977.

• Univers Zero will play at the "Zappanale festival" (Bad Doberan) in Germany on the 18th of July.

•11.01.15 Prague concert is cancelled!

•24.09.2014 The album Relaps as vinyl 2LP is now available.

•30.08.2014 -
The album Relaps will be relased as 2LP (vinyl) 21.september 2014 by the Belgian label "Sub Rosa"

Concert announcement: Prague 2015 27th of March. Venue : Akropolis Palace. Kubelikova 1548/27 130 00 Prague 3.
The organizer: Prague Music Performance

•12.3.2014 -
2014 Interview with Daniel Denis in English.

Read UZ keyboardist Antoine Guenets excellent blog:
My experience as a 27 year old fresh member of 40 year old cultband Univers Zero (Part 1 : Joining for Mexico):

My first year with Univers Zero (Part 2 : studio and RIO Festival):

•8.2.2014 - 2014 Interview with Daniel Denis in French.

• 19.01.2014 Photos from the recording session of Phosphorescent Dreams at Studio Dingo

• 16.01.2014
- Univers Zero composed original music for a series of experimental short films made during the 1920s and 1930s.
The avant-premiere of this project happened at the Cinetica Nacional, in Mexico City on April 20, 2013. Here is an edited video with highlights excerpts of the movies and music performed during this occasion.

The whole work will be ready soon and Univers Zero will be available to perform this live.
UZ Mexico
Photo: Susan Clynes - Click for a larger photo

06.01.2014 - Samples/Excerpts has been added to the Phosphorescent Dreams page. Here

02.12.13 Details regarding the coming album Phosphorescent Dreams can be read here

• 13.11.13 -
New album Phosphorescent Dreams coming up. Release date will be on February 19th 2014 on the label Arcangelo (Japan) and will be distributed by Diskunion.

ero Phosphorescent DreamsPhosphorescent Dreams

Photos from Rock in Opposition festival 21. september 2013
ProgRockFoto: Pictures

7 July 2013.

Univers Zero is now in the studio recording a new album with the personel below. No title yet, planned to be relased in December 2013.

New UZ lineup photo
(from top to bottom, left to right):
Antoine Guenet - keyboards
Daniel Denis - drums
Nicolas Dechêne - guitar
Dimitry Evers - bass
Kurt Budé - clarinet, sax
Read more about this new lineup here

The next concerts
are in April in Mexico.
19 April - Univers Zero concert at Teatro de la Ciudad (Mexico City)
20 April - Univers Zero cine-concert at Cineteca Nacional (Mexico City)
21 April - Univers Zero concert at Festival Puebla TBC

The 20 april at the Cineteca Nacional we play with short experimental films of the year 1920/1930

RIO festival: Rock in Opposition the 21th of September 2013 Cap Découverte /Le Garric -France



• Romantic Warriors II
- A Progressive Music Saga, a documentary series about Progressive Music.

Romantic Warrior II"The groups the record companies don’t want you to hear". This was the tag in the poster of the first RIO festival in 1978, symbolizing the anti-commercial stance of these bands and the ‘uncompromising’ character of their music. RIO bands embrace musical styles such as progressive rock, Zeuhl, improvisation, noise, avant rock, jazz, classical, folk and often extreme experimentation.

Bands in the documentary: Aranis - Chamber Rock (Belgium) Guapo - Zeuhl/Post-Rock (England) Hamster Theater - Avant Folk (USA) Magma - Zeuhl (France) Miriodor - Avant Rock (Canada) Present - Heavy Chamber Rock (Belgium) Ruins Alone - Avant Zeuhl (Japan) Sleepytime Gorilla Museum - Avant Metal (USA) Thinking Plague - Avant Rock (USA),
Univers Zero - Chamber Rock (Belgium)
Yugen - Avant Rock (Italy)

Interviewed musicians that were active in the 70s include Chris Cutler (Henry Cow/Art Bears), Gerard Hourbette (Art Zoyd), Marc Hollander (Aksak Maboul), Christian and Stella Vander (Magma), Giorgio Gomelsky, Roger Trigaux (Present), Franco Fabbri (Stormy Six), Lars Krantz (Samla Mammas Manna), Paul Sears (The Muffins), Ferdinand Richard (Etron Fou Leloublan), Bruno Meillier (Etron Fou Leloublan), Michel Berckmans (Univers Zero), Andy Kirk (Univers Zero), Guy Segers (Univers Zero), and Daniel Denis (Univers Zero).

Read more, buy the DVD, or view a short trailer here:

On Sunday, June 3, BBC 6 will air Univers Zero's "Influences" on Stuart Maconie's Freak Zone show
which starts at @ 20hr (UZ will be in the middle of the show)
The show will be made accessible on the BBC website for 7 days afterwards


June 1, Les Tritonales, Le Triton, Paris, France (Les Tritonales Festival)


Le Triton the 14th of April: GRAMMATIKOFF/ DUISBURG- GERMANY (the announce on their website is not indicated yet)

UNIVERS ZERO live in Japan:

11th Feb. 2012 Star Pine's Cafe, Tokyo, Japan
guest : Korekyojin with Akihisa Tsuboy
Read more

12th Feb. 2012 Star Pine's Cafe, Tokyo, Japan
(afternoon / evening show *two shows)
Read more

After the very successful concert of the three united bands Aranis + Present + Univers Zéro - "Once Upon a Time" , at the RIO Festival, if you missed, this is going to happen again in 2012: Once Upon a Time at: Les Abattoirs, Bourgoin-Jallieu, France
February 3, 2012

29. march 2011 - Press release page updated + other adjustments.

• 3. November 2010 - Daniel Denis has a post in the weblog in the magazine Modern Drummers online version.

•17. October 2010 - Photos from the Riga event.

•28. July 2010

Univers Zero - Heresie Heresie - Univers Zero's second album remixed and remastered by Didier De Roos.
It will be available at Cuneiform Records / from sometime in september 2010, at UZ concerts, and It will also be available from Daniel Denis at the RIO Festival (he isn't performing, but he'll have a vending table.) .
Real street date: sept. 28.
See the cover and hear some samples here.

2010 Sonic Circuits Festival
Saturday, September 25, 2010 La Maison Française
7pm Univers Zero (Belgium) Miriodor (Canada)
Tickets for sale now:

Riga The Sinfonietta Riga ensemble will at the New Music Festival Arena in Riga on the 15th october play :
La Corne du Bois des Pendus
Rapt d'Abadallah
Variations on Mellotronic's Theme
La Mort de Sophocle
L'Ogre et ses Appâts
Kermesse Atomique
More info:

22. April
• UZ is selling T-shirts with Clivages cover (see here - click)

Payments via Paypal to the e-mail address:
Sizes are M, L and XL
The price is 16 euros + the shipping :
Belgium 2,07 euros
Europe 6 euros
Rest of the world 6,90 euros

20. February
The interview with Daniel Denis in the magazine Modern drummer (february issue 2010) is available as pdf-file here (Link opens in a new window).

13. february 2010
• The interview with Daniel Denis on French Radio can be found as mp3 via 'Kohntarkosz - The Blog for Magma and Zeuhl Music':

12. january 2010
•  Daniel Denis is interviewed by the american magazine "Modern Drummer"  this month (February issue). The interview is not yet online.
•  Daniel Denis is interviewed on France Musique /Broadcasting "Tapages  Nocturnes" this 28th of January (exact broadcasting time to be confirmed)

6. january 2010
•  Clivages is now available. Released by Cuneiform Records.
Read and listen
•  Re-mixing of  the second CD «HERESIE» takes place during the first quarter of 2010. To be released in September 2010 .
•  Daniel Denis works on the re-orchestration of 8 of his pieces composed for  UNIVERS ZERO (period 1977 to 2004) for the Lethonia classical orchestra «SINFONIETTA RIGA». Two concerts will take place during Oktober 2010 in Riga (New musical Festival) and this was requested by their artistic Director: Normunds SNE.


8. october 2009
Photos of Univers Zero from the Rock In Opposition France Event, 20th of september 2009
Photos of Univers Zero + Present from the Rock In Opposition France Event, 20th of september 2009

18. september 2009
Clivages is ready and will be released in early January 2010 by Cuneiform Records.
Read and listen more

February 2009
Andy Kirk is back and Univers Zéro will be performing as a two- keyboards band from now on.

We are planning to start to record our new CD, Clivages, in May.

Several gigs are schedule for 2009 already

An Italian booking agency has agreed to work for some dates around the in the beginning of the next year. If you are in Italy and want
to have Univers Zero at your venue, please contact:
Syncretic Srl.
Viale dei Quattro Venti, 166 - 00152 Roma (Italia)
(Loredana Miarelli)
tél: 347/9018466

Our friend Jaak Geebelen shot some marvelous photos from our last concert in Nivelles. take a look at them in the link below. Some of them are widespread in our site as well.

18.12.08 - The archive CD Relaps is available for ordering here:
Read & Listen here

"Petit laboratoire" #1-3 (2007) : Mergenthaler/Denis:

Some photos: 2008-11-15 Univers Zero au Triton

Univers Zero 2008 - photo: Dimitri Notte Univers Zero has a new bass player, Dimitri Evers.

The archive CD Relaps is ready. Mixing and mastering are finished. The sound is very
good and we are working on biography notes, artwork and photos. It will
be out on Cuneiform records next January (2009).

Recently we have taken the hard decision to continue without Andy Kirk. Besides his good humanity side and his great musicianship, he was quite unavailable for demand that band needs now, due to his duties with his new job. Also, the directions, envisaged by Andy for
UZ´s future, were not shared by the others members of the band. We wish him the best of luck in his new endeavor. We will try to have Andy enhancing Univers Zero at Le Triton, next October, for DVD
recording. He will seat in to play Warrior and Funeral Plain.

We are very excited to announce that the keyboard seat will
be filled by Pierre Chevalier, which was invited to play with Univers
Zero in 1999, in a line up that never really existed. Pierre is
keyboard player of Present and he will be the right guy to play our

Daniel Denis

Univers Zéro will also be playing at RIO Festival 2009
More about this soon!

• Finally an archive CD is coming with live recordings from 1984,
1985 and 1986.
It is coming out on Cuneiform Records and will be
available (probably) early 2009

The set list is:

from March 31st, 1984 at « The Pavillon » in Hannover, Germany
PRESAGE (Daniel Denis)
PARADE (Daniel Denis)

from October 9th, 1985 at the «Centre culturel de Seraing », Belgium
HEATWAVE (Andy Kirk)

from February 7th, 1986 at the « Frankfurt Jazz Festival », Germany
EMANATIONS (Daniel Denis)

and a never recorded piece .....from February 25th, 1984 in
Dottignies, Belgium
LIGNE CLAIRE (Daniel Denis)

Booklet with new photos and liner notes by Aymeric Leroy an

•Re-release: The new edition of Univers Zéro 1st Lp (aka 1313) is out May 13, 2008.

1. July 2007

1313 will be remastered and reissued with bonus tracks.

New album will be recorded at the end of year 2007. Possible title: Clivages.

9. April 2007

Photos and comments by Frédéric Loridant on show of March 25 at the "SPIRIT OF 66":

UZ now on myspace:

28. December 2006

The band Metropolis with Daniel Denis's son Nicolas, will be support act at the venue 'SPIRIT OF 66' on March the 25th 2007. It will be their first appearance on stage. Nicolas DENIS (Drums) Julien FULCO (guitare) Jérôme ROOSA (basse)

25. December 2006

Univers Zero - Karel Šuster Karel Šuster took these great photos at a very successful UZ-concert in Pokladna Divadla Archa, Praha, Czech Republic, 1. December 2006:

1. October 2006

The Contemporary Ensemble "Ensemble Polychronies" from Toulon (France) requested Daniel Denis to write a musical piece for them to play. The premiere is scheduled for April 7, 2007, in Toulon, France.
The tune is called "L'Ogre et ses Appâts" and it will happen at "Musée d'Art". It is a piece for two keyboards players/two percusionists players/ violin and acoustic guitar

Univers Zéro is going in the studio in the summer 2007 for recording sessions of the new CD.
It will possibly be released on january 2008 on Cuneiform Records. The new CD will bring compositions by Andy Kirk, Michel Berckmans, Eric Plantain, Kurt Bude, and Daniel Denis (of course).

3. January 2006

The new album 'Univers Zero Live' will be available from 14. January. More information about the album here .
Buy the album here:

24. October 2005

Three mp3-excerpts from the coming live album here and more coming concertdates listed at the Coming Concerts page (look also in the navigation menu to the left).

Univers Zero 2005

2. September 2005

Info about the coming live album is online (Discography - bottom).
(available from Cuneiform records, January 2006)

18. august 2005

Interview with Daniel Denis from 2000, but published now in the Interview section

12. July 2005

Univers Zero recorded both shows in June, at Les Tritonales and at Les Halles de Schaerbeek. A live CD will come out from these two performances. Mixing sessions start in August and the new CD should be probably out in January or May, on Cuneiform Records.

Univers Zero needs a booking agent. If you are in Europe and think you can help, contact Daniel Denis at

11. may 2005

Peter VANDENBERGHE has a huge amount of commitments for late this year and won't be able to fulfill his place on keyboards on UZ and he is being replaced for the next 2005 season (after September), but he will be welcome back whenever possible for him.

Andy KIRK will be the new keyboard player; UZ will possibly perform Warrior (Andy Kirk´s lost composition for UZ – an amazing follow up of Combat).

Daniel is also planning to have a parallel acoustic version of UZ, only acoustic instruments (but bass), with Peter instead of Andy on piano, no drum kit, just percussion.

Cover of a limited 2005 edition of Heresie (13 copies made), signed by Daniel Denis and Philippe Seynaeve. The Heresie page.

• New Video for download: Philippe Seynaeve have created a video for the tune 'Partch's X-Ray' (from Implosion 2004).
Go to the download page.

This page got a small movie created by Philippe Seynaeve. It's based on a UZ-concertposter from 1982, which you in a while can find via the gallerypage.

• In September, 2005

ART ZOYD and Musiques Nouvelles are releasing the "EXPERIENCE DE VOL Nr. 4/ 5 and 6" (triple CD) including Daniel Denis's composition "Shanghaï Revisited Talks".

Univers Zero band 2009